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2005 06 12: balkan cuisine
seething tastes, scents and rhythms betwixt 3 rivers & 4 seas
The waves of the rivers Sava, Drava and Dunav, as well as the Adriatic, Ionian, Eagean and Black seas drench the shores of the Balkan peninsula, forming the curved edge of a region historically, culturally and geographically teeming in turmoil.

Their waters have washed the foods, clothing, blood and tears of many peoples blown together by middle eastern, byzantine, middle-European and mediterranean storms. The discordant, volatile character of Balkan cultures feeds on the diversity of climates, landscapes and edible substances which sprout from the region's multi-coloured soils.

The mixture of salty and fresh waters, with the rough mountainous herbs, hearty meats and fresh fish, a plethora of mushrooms, grains and cheeses makes balkan cuisine as temperamental as its rhythms. Leaves, vegetables, fruit and dumplings stuffed with spiced conglomerates of sour, syrupy ingredients.

Irregular beats cut through by dissonant voices, emulsified from earthy basses; Charred doughs and fire scented root vegetables; Sickly sweet deserts soaked through by burning spirits and strong coffee; Garlic. Rozenice. Peppers. Marching Bands. Pljeskavice. Kajmak. Ajvar. Pumpkin oil. Sevdalinke. Tamburice. Urnebes. Rapidly shape shifting from ecstasy to agony and back again.

Highlight from week 1 Watertanden, feast on the bridge by FO.amlab.      photo by Robert Rizzo

5 juni Watertanden (feestelijk openingsdiner op het bruggetje) FoAmlab aanvang 19:00 ...  minimale donatie : 1 euro 50




m lab

12 juni Watertanden door F0.amlab - sprookjesachtig vormgegeven diner Vanwege het slechte weer is het diner verplaatst naar Garage Groeneveld aan de Baarsjesweg 201 dichtbij de brug naar de Kinkerstraat- naast het braakliggende terrein voor de toekomstige moskee - Met Balkan Cuisine en muziek van DJ SloJo.


Because of the Rain: Diner is at Garage Groeneveld at Baarsjesweg 201 near the bridge to the Kinkerstraat- next to the construction site of the new MOSQUE.

( A very nice haven! )

at 19:00 minimal donation 1 euro 50